Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spring in the air

The past few days have been so warm and inviting that it has been hard to stay inside, to keep with the normal schedule of cooking, teaching, cleaning, and more cooking. Spring is just around the corner and urging us to come out and enjoy the sun and day!

 There is so much teaching that can take place outside as well. I forget that sometimes... I get stuck in the thought of, if you are not writing it down then you wont be learning it... Oh contra! Spring is a time of new life. The looking and learning, touching and feeling, the joy and excitement of what it is. Seeing it though a child's eyes is magical.

A week ago we were blessed with three babies on the farm, a sure sign of spring! They are so small and helpless, a complete miracle to watch. It  has been such a joy to watch my little ones jump and play, hold and care for... so much to take in and learn. I never grow tired of the babies on the farm, or watching the kids enjoy them!

Thistle, the calf, came first and had a very prominent place in the kitchen for about five days. Then he decided that he had enough of his sweet sawdust and hay, he was ready for bigger things! After helping him down the stairs and back into his pen about four times in ten minuets, we decided he was ready to join the others outside. Thistle has now moved out to the barn with the rest of the cattle. I have lost my constant kitchen companion, a bit sad and, I will be honest, a bit relieved.

Next came the lambs. So far we have two absolutely adorable ewe lambs. They are my favorite by far. There is something so endearing about them. I can't really put my finger on it, maybe its the joy they seem to have as they jump and bounce around their pens, exploring new things, trying to drum up the courage to come and sniff your hand... Yes, that is probably it. So sweet and lovable. We are waiting for our last ewe to lamb. Then I think babies might be done for a bit.

Spring is around the corner. I can't say that there is a time that I can remember being more excited about it then I am this year. The joy of a new season is here. Let the earth sing its praises to its Maker!

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